

Average Rating4.74
68 Reviews
11 Courses

KeepCoding offers 10-month, part-time online bootcamps in mobile development, web development, big data and machine learning, and a 4-week Python bootcamp in Madrid, Spain. Courses focus on learning technical skills for a startup environment where students learn software development skills, as well as how to create a business plan and seek funding. The 10-month bootcamps are taught via video conferencing, and Madrid-based students have the option of scheduling face-to-face sessions with instructors. The curriculum was created by developers and entrepreneurs for developers and entrepreneurs.

Prospective KeepCoding students can apply through the website. Students will also receive personalized career advice, portfolio reviews, interview preparation, and guidance on finding work in the USA.

68 KeepCoding Reviews

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  • Carmen
    Student • Aprende a Programar desde Cero Full Stack Jr. Bootcamp • Madrid
    Oct 20, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Que tu vida cambie, es una decisión relativamente sencilla:)

    Mi pareja y yo estamos trabajamos en empresas tecnológicas desde hace tiempo, y aunque en otros roles (operaciones y QA), vemos muy de cerca lo que es vivir mejor en cuanto a calidad de vida y sueldo se refiere. Así que como pareja decidimos que algo teníamos que hacer... estos cambios no llegan por amor al arte. 
    Yo, postulé a una Beca de Keepcoding y Glovo, y me la concedieron. Y mi novio se inscribió en el Bootcamp de aprender a programar desde cero. Llevamos poquito tiempo, pero c...
  • Iván Martínez Calcaño
    Iván Martínez Calcaño
    Desarrollo Web Full Stack Bootcamp • Madrid
    May 27, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Best educational choice I've ever made

    I just finished the 10-months Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp at Keepcoding. I must say I'm really happy that I made the right choice. Since I didn't have an IT background, I needed a bootcamp that would help me smooth the transition into a whole new profession. I had read a lot about bootcamps that teach you the fundamentals but fail to help you get ready for the labor market. Keepcoding caught my attention right from the start because of the scope of their Bolsa de Talento. This se...
  • Eric Risco de la Torre
    Eric Risco de la Torre
    Fullstack developer • Student • Madrid
    Jun 01, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    The smartes decision I have made in my professional life

    I am lucky to have the opportunity to be able to do what I love for a living. I honestly can´t remember a time in my life without being in front of a computer.

    My experience with programming began with an IBM PC Convertible helping my father to do little things. When we got the internet in my country (Andorra) my new hobby became learning MUD and writing some scripts and mods to play games. The next thing was to create web pages with a CMS like Joomla or WordPress. In high school...

  • Fernando Frances
    Fernando Frances
    Ios Developer • Madrid
    Apr 26, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great experience learning with Keep Coding

    Learning with Keep Coding has been amazing for me. The teachers are very professional, knoledgeable and willing to answer every question you ask in a matter of minutes. It is by far the best online courses i have ever taken, not only because of the quality of the teachers and the way they get you to learn a subject but also because of the attention and motivation that you get from them ato keep learning and keep coding!. 


  • Miguel Marti
    Graduate • Big Data, Inteligencia Artificial & Machine Learning Full Stack Bootcamp • Madrid
    Oct 27, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Gran trabajo

    Me pareció fantástico. Fue ágil (no se hizo aburrido en ningún momento) y estuvo muy bien organizado en todos los sentidos. El catering fue espléndido. Y, por supuesto, me lo pasé muy bien conversando con mis compañeros y con los profes.
  • Roberto Calera
    Student • Big Data, Inteligencia Artificial & Machine Learning Full Stack Bootcamp • Madrid
    Oct 27, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Motivante experiencia

    Motivante introducción con analogía al viaje del héroe, presentación de proyectos de los compañeros, la esperada entrega de certificados (y con sorpresa!), y como guinda del pastel un juramento bastante atípico y gracioso
  • Bryan Florencio Abreu
    Junior full stack web developer • Graduate • Desarrollo Web Full Stack Bootcamp • Madrid
    Oct 27, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


    I strongly recommend the keepcooding bootcamp. Has greats instructor and they help you a lot to find a job. The staff help you with everything you need. You will learn all the newest technologies.
  • Catherine
    Student • Aprende a Programar desde Cero Full Stack Jr. Bootcamp • Madrid
    May 24, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    A booster for your self-esteem and a door opener towards new job opportunities!

    If you have never written a line of code, then this a great option to learn the fundamentals of programming. 
    A balanced curriculum (python, flask, javascript, css, html, pygame, git, MVC architecture), a challenging and caring professor, with the great support from the staff to help you get ready for the labour market. 
    Gear up for a demanding coursework! 
    Start from day 1 and do practice every day, even if one day you only have 15 minutes, just DO it.  Perseverance has its rew...

KeepCoding Alumni Outcomes

Recent KeepCoding News

Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated December 04, 2024
  Welcome to our last monthly coding bootcamp news roundup of 2016! Each month, we look at all the happenings from the coding bootcamp world from new bootcamps to fundraising announcements, to interesting trends we’re talking about in the office. This December, we heard about a bootcamp scholarship from Uber, employers who are happily hiring bootcamp grads, investments from New York State ...

KeepCoding Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent KeepCoding News

How much does KeepCoding cost?

The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but KeepCoding does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!

Where does KeepCoding have campuses?

KeepCoding has an in-person campus in Madrid.

Is KeepCoding worth it?

KeepCoding hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 68 KeepCoding alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed KeepCoding on Course Report - you should start there!

Is KeepCoding legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 68 KeepCoding alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed KeepCoding and rate their overall experience a 4.74 out of 5.

Does KeepCoding offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like KeepCoding offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read KeepCoding reviews?

You can read 68 reviews of KeepCoding on Course Report! KeepCoding alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed KeepCoding and rate their overall experience a 4.74 out of 5.

Is KeepCoding accredited?


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