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    How we match you

    We know that choosing a coding bootcamp is hard work, and we're kind of nerds about researching the best fit for anyone doing their search on Course Report. That's why we consider your location and learning goals to match your needs. And then we suggest schools that fit your needs, so you can narrow down your options and choose the bootcamp that will help you reach your goals. We'll only share your information with the Course Report team and an advisor from your matched schools.

    Hear what our users have to say

    Liam K.

    "I needed to learn programming part-time, and the team at Course Report matched me with a bootcamp that fit. I just graduated from General Assembly's Front End Web Development course and was able to build my dad his first website!"

    Sekhar P.

    "Coding schools are a new phenomenon. Course Report gave me the confidence to make the decision to go back to school to learn programming, attend Turing School, and become a professional Software Engineer."

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