

Average Rating4.94
112 Reviews
4 Courses

RevoU is an online academy offering a 14-week, part-time Full-Stack Digital Marketing and Business Development bootcamp for motivated individuals who want to launch and accelerate their career in the tech industry. RevoU students learn and receive mentorship from professionals working at the top tech companies across Southeast Asia. 

In the Full-Stack Digital Marketing bootcamp, students learn the fundamentals of being a professional digital marketer from measuring performance, budgeting, analytics, paid search, social media ads, SEO, content marketing, social media management and CRM. Students work on real-world projects during the bootcamp. Graduates of the bootcamp have the option to join a 3-month apprenticeship program and receive career coaching to help them gain valuable work experience while they confidently look for their next job.

All applicants are welcome to apply. Applicants should expect to take a placement test and go through an interview process before being accepted into the bootcamp. Deferred payment is available for Indonesian students. Those who qualify for RevoU’s Job Guarantee will receive a refund of 30%-100% the tuition if they are not offered a digital marketing job within 6 months of completing the full program.

112 RevoU Reviews

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  • Arsha Dwiparizka
    Arsha Dwiparizka
    Student • Full-Stack Digital Marketing • Online
    Apr 10, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    In depth and Comprehensive Course

    Materials are in depth and also comprehensive, challenging yet also fun 3 months program. Directly learn from expert in their field of digital marketing, share thoughts, and also their experience. Such a great time with RevoU!
  • Sindiana Samin
    Sindiana Samin
    Community & Communications • Graduate • Full-Stack Digital Marketing • Online
    Mar 08, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    The course you need to start your Digital Marketing journey!

    Overall, I had a great experience learning with RevoU - the curriculum, structure, learning process were thoughtfully prepared. 

    1. The admission team is top-notch 💎
    2. Curriculum is well-paced and challenging, yes there are moments when you'll need to pull an all-nighter but it's super worth it.
    3. I've met a lot of amazing, smart, creative, and kindest individuals throughout my RevoU journey - shoutout to Batch 3 Team 3!
  • Trias
    Marketing Specialist • Graduate • Full-Stack Digital Marketing • Online
    Mar 06, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    From Engineering To Digital Marketing

    Fantastic Course!
    For someone with a big engineering background like myself, it was spectacular to able follow the course without any difficulties.
    The curriculum and instructor are very well organized, and RevoU also provide and challenge us with "real task" which is very important to develop critical thinking to Digital Marketing. 
    Highly recommend!
  • Lidya Handy Putri
    Lidya Handy Putri
    Graduate • Full-Stack Digital Marketing • Online
    Mar 02, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Buat kamu yang ragu...

    Sebenernya kenal RevoU dari batch 1, tapi karena ngerasa kayak... 'ah nanti aja deh, lagi sibuk kuliah dan kerja, untuk ambil course begini rasanya agak sulit' dan pasti kalian semua ngerasa takut ga sesuai karena keterbatasan dana kan? Wajar, saya juga gitu... Semua orang pasti gitu, tapi akhirnya tim RevoU ngebolehin saya ikutan "ospek"nya di batch kedua selama satu minggu dan wah... saya ngerasa oke banget sih.

    Setelah ikutan "ospek" ga pake mikir langsung cusss ikutan. Karena ...
  • Rendy
    Freelance Digital Marketer • Graduate • Online
    Feb 27, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    A Game Changer

    Kebayang nggak sih, dari yang awalnya kamu sekedar iseng browsing "belajar digital marketing" di Google, terus nggak sengaja tertarik liat satu iklan online course, terus kamu putusin buat ikutan daftar jadi student, dan akhirnya BOOM.. 3 bulan kemudian kamu punya kehidupan yang berbeda.

    Itu yang terjadi sama aku, dan mungkin ratusan orang lain juga yang pernah ikutan RevoU.

    Dari yang awalnya aku cuma iseng belajar digital marketing karena bisnis kecilku lagi sepi dan butuh...
  • Sukraj Putera
    Sukraj Putera
    Digital Marketing Specialist • Graduate • Full-Stack Digital Marketing • Online
    Feb 26, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    More Than A Course!

    They said the best investment you can do in early stage of your career is to upskill yourself. Needless to say, joining RevoU was the best decision in my life. From 3 month intensive class with top instructor who was an expert in their respective field to the labs program. It was the best bang for buck that I ever spent.

    In addition to all that, RevoU also make an Expert Sharing Session on friday night. Which is like a free webinar talking about the latest industry update for all ...
  • Fonda Priskilla
    Fonda Priskilla
    Graduate • Full-Stack Digital Marketing • Online
    Feb 18, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Digital Marketing

     Pengalaman sekolah di RevoU itu luar biasa gak terlupakan sih! that was the best choice i've made in 2020. RevoU has changed my life career, dari yang sebelumnya gak paham sama sekali dunia digital marketing dan sekarang aku bisa jadi freelance digital marketer. Kurikulumnya keren bgt! karena kita ga cuma belajar secara insenttif hampir tiap hari tapi kita harus kerjain tugas, supaya ilmunya nempelll! dan momen yang ga terlupakannya adalah saat aku join RevoU Labs dimana aku bisa magang...
  • Riza
    Digital Marketing Specialist • Graduate • Full-Stack Digital Marketing • Online
    Feb 17, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Batch 3

    Revou, in my opinion, the place for the online digital marketing course is quite comprehensive and for me, who initially did not have a digital marketing background after joining this, it really helped to grow the basics of digital marketing, so that now I can run the profession as a digital marketer 
  • Ronald Gunawan
    Ronald Gunawan
    Undergraduate student • Online
    Feb 16, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Full-Stack Digital Marketing

    As someone without prior Digital Marketing or Marketing background. I found this course very helpful because it gives you a clear fundamental on Digital Marketing. They even have an apprenticeship program after the course for Job Seeker so you can apply what you are taught in the course with a real clients.
  • Laura Kristin Simanjuntak
    Student • Online
    Dec 21, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    So cool bootcamp

    Highly recommended untuk teman-teman yang memperkaya ilmu di bidang pengembangan teknologi. Metode pembelajarannya juga gampang karena hanya bisa dijangkau secara online (jejaring internet) dan sesi kelasnya tidak membosankan. 
  • Ni Made Berliana
    Graduate • Online
    Dec 20, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Fun, Insightful, Helpful

    Semenjak mengikuti RevoU, banyak hal baru yang saya dapatkan. Mulai dari komitmen dalam tim untuk dapat meluangkan waktu berdiskusi dalam jangka waktu yang menurut saya terbilang cukup lama, sekitar kurang lebih 5 bulan untuk 2 project besar yang kami usahakan untuk dapat nilai sebaik mungkin. Lalu, materi pembelajaran yang tidak saya dapatkan di kampus, mulai dari python dan lain - lain. Kemudian saya di tantang untuk dapat belajar secara singkat dan cepat agar tidak ketinggalan materi....
  • Jabir Azis
    Student • Student • Online
    Dec 20, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Fun Best Good

    selama mengikuti kegaiatan saya bener bener enjoy. apalagi selama proses pembelajaran itu materi yang dijabarkan cukup jelas karena instructor yang diberikan RevoU benar benar memiliki pengalaman di bidang yang sesuai. dan disisi lain mereka juga bekerja di perusahaan atau startup besar sehingga dalam menjelaskan materi sangat mudah dipahami. dan disisi lain selama kegiatan MBKM ini kita bener bener diperhatiin mulai dari absensi hingga tugas tugas capstone project. mungkin itu saja kesa...

RevoU Alumni Outcomes

Recent RevoU News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated February 01, 2021
Course Report · January 2021 Coding Bootcamp News 2021 began with $118M in coding bootcamp fundraises, plus some major acquisitions in the bootcamp space. Despite the overall loss in the U.S. job market, December’s job numbers showed tech adding plenty of new positions. In this roundup, we’re also highlighting the new workforce development programs now available to career changers, and t...

RevoU Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent RevoU News

How much does RevoU cost?

RevoU costs around Rp30,000,000. On the lower end, some RevoU courses like Full-Stack Digital Marketing cost Rp16,000,000.

Where does RevoU have campuses?

RevoU teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is RevoU worth it?

RevoU hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 112 RevoU alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed RevoU on Course Report - you should start there!

Is RevoU legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 112 RevoU alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed RevoU and rate their overall experience a 4.94 out of 5.

Does RevoU offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like RevoU offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read RevoU reviews?

You can read 112 reviews of RevoU on Course Report! RevoU alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed RevoU and rate their overall experience a 4.94 out of 5.

Is RevoU accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. RevoU doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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