
June 2024 Coding Bootcamp News

Jess Feldman

Written By Jess Feldman

Liz Eggleston

Edited By Liz Eggleston

Last updated on July 1, 2024

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Happy Summer! This month at Course Report, we released our Best Cybersecurity Bootcamps list for 2024 — check it out if you are looking to launch an in-demand career this year! This June, five coding bootcamps announced cohorts that will be fully or partially funded through grants (read: FREE to you)! A Southern coding bootcamp landed a one-million dollar fundraise, and two interesting partnerships with coding bootcamps were announced. We’re rounding up the latest about diversity in tech initiatives, and how higher education is adapting to current demands with microcredentials and revised programs through OPMs. Plus, learn more about the 5 coding bootcamps we added to the Course Report listings this June.

Course Report · June 2024 Coding Bootcamp News Roundup

Curious about what happened in May? Check out last month’s post to read our May coding bootcamp news roundup!


  • Code Crew received a $1M grant from the state of Tennessee to fund its digital skills training program. 
  • Pluralsight announced $2M in cash grants to nonprofit organizations who offer tech skills training to historically underrepresented populations. Some of the nonprofit organizations that will be receiving cash grants include Codepath, LaunchCode, NPower, and Year Up.
  • Flatiron School announced that it has partnered with Bletchley Institute so students and graduates will be able to broaden their networks, receive mentorship, and pick up new skills through Bletchey’s short training sessions. 
  • App Academy has a new partnership with HTD Talent. HTD Talent will be scouting new recruits for its intensive training and deployment program in forthcoming App Academy cohorts. 
  • Chegg announced it is restructuring by focusing on enterprise training and is sunsetting their bootcamps for individual career changers. 


  • Through the nonprofit Tech Impact, Tech Elevator has a new grant opportunity that will cover full tuition for both its part-time and full-time bootcamps for eligible students in Delaware. 
  • In addition to covering the tuition for Cyber Security Bootcamp at Lighthouse Labs, Upskill Canada is now offering paid internships through Riipen to eligible Canadian career changers. 
  • Nashville Software School announced a series of new Access Scholarships (which amount to $2K off tuition) for students enrolling in their upcoming summer and fall cohorts. 
  • South Carolina Public Radio reported on Create Opportunity, a tuition-free, local coding program offered through the South Carolina Technical College System Foundation that helps underserved students and nontraditional students launch tech careers.
  • Claim Academy has partnered with Missouri job centers to offer free training through a grant program for Missouri residents. 


  • In a report from Boston Consulting Group, which surveyed more than 150,000 workers across 188 countries, 57% of workers globally say they’re ready for reskilling in new roles to remain ahead in their career. 
  • In a new study published in the journal, Oxford Economics Papers, and highlighted by HR Dive, employers are more likely to offer job interviews and higher salaries to candidates with AI experience. 
  • Katherine Brindley from the Wall Street Journal explored how tech workers are bridging the gap and learning AI skills by turning to AI/machine learning bootcamps like Deep Atlas and Microverse.
  • Refresh Miami reports that Miami Tech Works and the Miami Tech Coalition (which includes coding bootcamps like BrainStation, Ironhack, and 4Geeks Academy) came together to discuss increasing local internship and micro-internship opportunities.


  • Trace Urdan wrote an opinion piece for Inside Higher Ed that recognizes what investors got right about OPMs and ideas on how colleges could move forward with OPMs. 
  • Inside Higher Ed covered an emerging trend in education: microcredentials for liberal arts majors. 



  • The Phonm Penh Post reports that Techpreneurs (powered by DACHI Academy) just opened its doors in Cambodia. 
  • SkillReactor announced that it’s opening a new AI Academy which is aimed at helping people from different fields (but especially software development) learn AI skills. 



Jess appreciated doing a deep dive into the question, “Are employers hiring bootcamp grads in 2024?” with the TripleTen team. TripleTen recently surveyed over a 1,000 employers and found out that yes, they are definitely hiring bootcamp grads now and which industries are especially interested in new tech talent.

Liz loved hearing the career change journey of Ivan who went to the Cybersecurity Bootcamp at Lighthouse Labs. Ivan had a background in criminal justice and he was able to pivot into a cybersecurity career as a Digital Evidence Technician for the Calgary Police Service.

About The Author

Jess Feldman

Jess Feldman

Jess Feldman is an accomplished writer and the Content Manager at Course Report, the leading platform for career changers who are exploring coding bootcamps. With a background in writing, teaching, and social media management, Jess plays a pivotal role in helping Course Report readers make informed decisions about their educational journey.

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