

Average Rating4.97
174 Reviews
4 Courses

OpenBootcamp is an online bootcamp that offers a free, self-paced coding program in the Spanish language covering topics like Python, JavaScript, SQL, React, React, and Angular. At OpenBootcamp, there are different learning roadmaps tailored for each type of student, both those just starting in the world of development as well as those with advanced knowledge looking to upskill. Each user finds the level that suits their needs, including the initial bootcamp 'Learn to Program From Scratch', as well as training in the three specialties of Front-End, Back-End and Full-Stack. OpenBootcamp is continually updating their catalog of course material to stay in line with market demands, always with the objective of providing its community with permanent and free access to this updated and high-quality training. 

OpenBootcamp is designed for everyone and there are no prerequisites. 

OpenBootcamp is designed to get students jobs and the organization has a hiring network of over 50 companies. OpenBootcamp works with students to help them find a match that suits their skills.

174 OpenBootcamp Reviews

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    Student • Full-stack Development • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jul 05, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    La mejor plataforma gratis que me capacita para el trabajo

    Con OpenBootcamp me he dado cuenta que ingresar al mundo de la programación es fácil y solo requiero de mis ganas de seguir el curso. Hay tanta variedad y es tan completo... Es genial, y ni mencionemos lo que se viene. Estoy feliz de haberlos encontrado. 😎👌
  • Rubén Díaz
    Student • Back-end development • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jul 05, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    The best opportunity to learn and work fast

    Openbootcamp has given me the opportunity to learn how to program, acquiring high quality knowledge.

    I am very happy to learn from teachers with great skills and to receive so much help and attention.

    I was a salesman, I didn't know anything about programming and in 7 months I am already receiving job offers.

    Thank you OpenBootcamp, for changing my life.
  • Kendo
    Student • Front-end development • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jul 05, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Excelente servicio

    Es el mejor lugar para poder entrar al mundo de la programación, te enseñan a desde el principio y puedes escoger para que sección te gustaría formar
  • jpinedadev
    Student • Front-end development • Online
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    Jul 04, 2022
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    Open Bootcamp ofrece varias rutas de aprendizaje como frontend developer, fullstack developer y más en distintas expecializaciones como react, angular, java, python entre otras, una comunidad muy participativa y los miembros del staff siempre están atentos a resolver nuestras dudas, 100% recomendado.
  • Laura
    Student • Full-stack Development • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jul 04, 2022
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    Desde que empecé me di cuenta que se ajusta a las necesidades y demandas actuales. Tengas la edad que tengas se adapta, también seas del lugar al que pertenezcas, llega de una forma amigable y fácil de entender. Comunidad excelente!  
  • Alex Armua
    Student • Full-stack Development • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jul 04, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Excelencia en aprendizaje

    La mejor plataforma. Para aprender. De cero o si ya tenés. Conocimiento poder  practicar. Y seguir perfeccionándose .
    Gracias openbootcamp por existir. Y darnos las posibilidad  de seguir en nuestro camino . 
  • Ana Fernández
    Ana Fernández
    Graduate • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Jul 02, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    They helped me change my career path.

    I started studying at OpenBootcamp in October 2021 and I am currently working as a developer. They help you through the whole process, from how to acquire the knowledge to how to face your job interviews. The content is very good and very well structured according to the route you want to choose.
  • Richardo
    Student • Full-stack Development • Online
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    Jun 30, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Amaizing content and feedback

    It is difficult to get quality content, for the time that each one has and with direct feedback, but OB achieves everything.
  • José Manuel González
    José Manuel González
    Student • Back-end development • Online
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    Jun 22, 2022
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    Llevo unos meses en esté boocamp, y he pasado de no tener idea a manejar algunos lenguajes.
  • José Camilo Rodriguez Vera
    Student • Front-end development • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jun 22, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Lo mejor que he visto

    Simplemente excelente...tuve suerte de encontrarme a OpenBootcamp ya tengo casi 2 años como autodidacta pero desde q supe de  OpenBootcamp se cuales son los pasos q tengo q seguir para llegar a mi objetivo ser un programador fullstack...
  • Irene Antelo
    Irene Antelo
    Student • Full-stack Development • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Jun 22, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Game changer

    Not only has OpenBootcamp the best content I've ever seen (Spanish), has helpful teachers, and an amazing community.
    It gives you the chance to learn, and practice many programming languages with the possibility of even landing a job FOR FREE.
    I finally feel like I am getting to understand and enjoy this coding journey :)
    Can only recommend it!
  • Lary figuereo
    Lary figuereo
    Student • Front-end development • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Jun 22, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Los mejores del planeta

    Simplemente gracias a todos por el esfuerzo que hacen para brindarnos un contenido de alta calidad, solo llevo un mes y siento que todo lo que para mi era tan confuso en cuanto a programacion, ahora puedo verlo con mayor claridad y sencillez, mil gracias a todo el equipo de OpenBootcamp y a toda la comunidad que se mantiene muy activa...

OpenBootcamp Alumni Outcomes

Recent OpenBootcamp News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated January 15, 2025
Most programming languages today rely on English vocabulary and syntax, which can make it difficult for non-native speakers who are learning how to code. While the majority of coding bootcamps are taught in English, Spanish-speaking coding bootcamps are gaining traction. To make it easier for our hispanohablante readers, check out Spanish-speaking coding bootcamps currently available online o...
Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated June 29, 2022
Course Report · June 2022 Coding Bootcamp News Roundup Happy Summer! This June, tech hiring was at an all-time high despite news of layoffs and hiring freezes. We caught wind of four workforce developments for aspiring bootcampers in California, Montana, Virginia, and Florida, and three major fundraises in the coding bootcamp and workforce development sphere amounted to $395M. Since the ...

OpenBootcamp Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent OpenBootcamp News

How much does OpenBootcamp cost?

OpenBootcamp costs around $0.

What courses does OpenBootcamp teach?

OpenBootcamp offers courses like Back-end development , Front-end development , Full-stack Development , Initiation to programming - From 0 to dev.

Where does OpenBootcamp have campuses?

OpenBootcamp teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is OpenBootcamp worth it?

OpenBootcamp hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 174 OpenBootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed OpenBootcamp on Course Report - you should start there!

Is OpenBootcamp legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 174 OpenBootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed OpenBootcamp and rate their overall experience a 4.97 out of 5.

Does OpenBootcamp offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like OpenBootcamp offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read OpenBootcamp reviews?

You can read 174 reviews of OpenBootcamp on Course Report! OpenBootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed OpenBootcamp and rate their overall experience a 4.97 out of 5.

Is OpenBootcamp accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. OpenBootcamp doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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