

Average Rating4.99
221 Reviews
4 Courses

MySkill is an Indonesian-based training provider offering online, part-time bootcamps covering topics like data science (8 weeks), product management (10 weeks), UI/UX design (5 weeks), data analysis (5 weeks), and digital marketing (6 weeks). Students will graduate with a portfolio to show potential employers. MySkill is designed for complete beginners and no experience is necessary to apply. MySkill is designed to prepare students for roles in tech after graduation and job support is part of the curriculum. Career services include CV building, LinkedIn profile assistance, and interview prep.

221 MySkill Reviews

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  • M. Adlan Sayuti
    Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jan 15, 2023
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    Funny, Understood

    MySkill merupakan tempat belajar untuk mengembangkan skill di bidang teknologi. Dengan mengikuti bootcamp Digital Marketing memberikan saya ilmu untuk lebih improve skill dan pastinya membantu untuk mengembangkan karir di bidang Digital Marketing ke depannya. 
    Pokoknya approved deh belajar dengan tim MySkill! 
  • Lainufar rofiu
    Student • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jan 15, 2023
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    bootcamp taught directly by the owner

    This course really gave me a thorough overview of digital marketing. The tutor is really expert in this subject and gave me a lot of new insights. Highly recommended for those who want to learn digital marketing from the basics.
  • Bramantyo Tejasputra
    Student • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jan 15, 2023
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    Sesuai ekspetasi

    Bootcamp ini sangat mantap & value for money. Dengan materi yang komprehensif, penjelasan yang mudah dimengerti & mudah untuk diakses, membuat saya mampu belajar banyak dari sini.
    Setelah saya berencana untuk beralih mencari pekerjaan di bidang digital marketing, saya mulai mencari lembaga yang mampu memberikan pelatihan secara seimbang baik dari sisi kualitas maupun biaya yang dikeluarkan. Dan ternyata saya menemukan MySkill, dengan keseimbangan yang telah disebutkan sebelumn...
  • Yusmaniar Ratna Tanjung
    Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jan 15, 2023
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    Insightful Bootcamp

    Belajar di Myskill jadi pengalaman pertama ikutan Bootcamp and it was such an Amazing experienced. Materinya oke, mentornya asik dan seru menyampaikan materinya.
    Kelasnya interaktif dan insigtful. dengan harga yang affordable kita udah dapet materi yang oke banget
  • Fahmi Faisal
    Asst. Marcomm Manager • Applicant • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jan 15, 2023
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    Great place to learn

    I joined many learning program from myskill. All the course is great and insightful, easy to understand and applicable for my job
    I hope all the course will be usefull for my career path 
  • Z Moh Radhi Al Hafiedz
    Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jan 15, 2023
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    Myskill is My lifesaver

    Myskills memberikan kesempatan bagi semua orang agar memiliki kemampuan yg sangt diperlukan saat ini. Salah satunya adalah digital marketing yg saya pilih. Materinya betul2 sangat menarik dan outstanding. Para tutor juga sangat berpengalaman karena latar belakang yang hebat. Tentunya CEOnya yang sangat hebat dan keren.
  • Fandy
    Applicant • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jan 15, 2023
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    Cheap Price But The Tutor Is an Expert and Experienced

    Cheap Price But The Tutor Is an Expert and Experienced. The tutor can answered all our questions because they all have experienced more than 10 years in big company. The price is also really cheap for a 20 class for around 7 weeks. I get many new good insight too that I can get from self study.
  • Erlin
    Business Development • Applicant • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jan 15, 2023
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    Nice Boothcamp

    Belajar digital marketing dimyskill sangat worth it dengan harga segitu guys. Kalian bakal dapet ilmu yang menurut aku sangat nenambah wawasan. Kelasnya juga interaktif meskipun satu kelas ratusan orang tapi tutor bener bener ngejawabin pertanyaan satu satu kok yang penting aktif aja pasti ilmunya sangat bermanfaat. Di boothcamp juga ada mini project jadi bisa belajar nih terapin materi dikelas dengan UMKM secara langsung.
  • Fiorentino
    Freelance • Student • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jan 15, 2023
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    The Best Intensive Bootcamp Digital Marketing

    Pengalaman belajar seminggu di myskill sangat seru, menambah ilmu dengan harga yang terjangkau dengan kualitas materi bintang lima, diajarkan oleh tutor dan mentor sangat berpengalaman di bidangnya, penjelasan materi detail, update dan mudah untuk di aplikasikan pada dunia nyata.
  • Atika Reghita Cahyani
    Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jan 15, 2023
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    Very best Bootcamp

    Bootcamp is great because the discussion is very detailed and in-depth, besides that it is given a case study of each meeting so that it is easy to understand. Point Point Discussion is also very suitable for ready work, very intensive guidance for bootcamp participants
  • Muhammad Ma'shum Kholil
    Admin Marketing • Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jan 15, 2023
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    Digital Marketing

    Bootcamp Digital Marketing dari MySkillID sangat rekomended sekali. Materi sangat relevan dan up to date, dan tentunya materi sangat dibutuhkan bagi seluruh kalangan yang ingin terjun atau berkarir di bidang digital marketing. Dan tentunya mykillid memiliki pemateri yang menjelaskan dan membantu para peserta bootcamp untuk memahami meteri lebih dalam.
  • Fadhil Mahdi
    Student • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jan 15, 2023
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    Great upskilling platform

    Myskill deliver huge theories with full case study of Digital Marketing course that i bought. I learned about how to make a plan, executing, and evaluate it later. Meanwhile, there is a real duties to help SMEs grow up their business Instagram account. 

MySkill Alumni Outcomes

Recent MySkill News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated December 04, 2024
Course Report · 2022: The Year in Review for Coding Bootcamp News As we wrap up 2022, we’re reporting on the biggest coding bootcamp news about fundraises and new campuses that we saw in December. A new study released this month detailed how to increase bootcamp graduate outcomes in today’s job market. A tech-recruiter-turned-software-engineer weighs in on why employers need to update th...

MySkill Alumni Reviews Summary

Based on 200+ MySkill alumni reviews on Course Report, MySkill is praised for its variety of online, part-time bootcamps, including data science, product management, UI/UX design, and digital marketing. Alumni commend the well-structured curriculum, expert instructors, and the practical, project-based approach. A student commented, "The learning experience is extremely beneficial, especially for those venturing into UI/UX design." However, reviews also suggest that the bootcamps are quite new and may lack the depth of longer-established programs.
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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent MySkill News

How much does MySkill cost?

MySkill costs around Rp550,000. On the lower end, some MySkill courses like UI/UX Research and Design cost Rp350,000.

What courses does MySkill teach?

MySkill offers courses like Data Analysis, Digital Marketing, Product Management, UI/UX Research and Design.

Where does MySkill have campuses?

MySkill teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is MySkill worth it?

MySkill hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 221 MySkill alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed MySkill on Course Report - you should start there!

Is MySkill legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 221 MySkill alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed MySkill and rate their overall experience a 4.99 out of 5.

Does MySkill offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like MySkill offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read MySkill reviews?

You can read 221 reviews of MySkill on Course Report! MySkill alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed MySkill and rate their overall experience a 4.99 out of 5.

Is MySkill accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. MySkill doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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