

Average Rating4.99
221 Reviews
4 Courses

MySkill is an Indonesian-based training provider offering online, part-time bootcamps covering topics like data science (8 weeks), product management (10 weeks), UI/UX design (5 weeks), data analysis (5 weeks), and digital marketing (6 weeks). Students will graduate with a portfolio to show potential employers. MySkill is designed for complete beginners and no experience is necessary to apply. MySkill is designed to prepare students for roles in tech after graduation and job support is part of the curriculum. Career services include CV building, LinkedIn profile assistance, and interview prep.

221 MySkill Reviews

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  • Aarush
    Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
    Mar 10, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Awesome experience

    The best part of MySkill bootcamp is that it is designed for complete beginners so that any new students can understand all fundamental concepts completely. I have completed my 6 weeks digital marketing bootcamp. The course content was great and mentors made my journey of learning so smooth. Thank you.
  • vida selina
    student • Student • Data Analysis • Online
    Mar 10, 2023
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    excellent course for beginners

    good course! nyobain ini ternyata banyak ilmunya karna beli yg paketan jadi cukup oke dapet bahasa, soft akill dan bisnis serta programming

    cuma kurang pendampingan aja sih tapi overall oke dan harganya murah banget jadi ga membebani sama sekali

    isinya mini course semua jadi biaa di tonton pas sengang, ui/ux webnya jga dibuat enak jadi betah belajar lama lama trus suka ngasi promo jga si 

    mungkin karna titlenya mini jadi ga terlalu banyak yg bisa dipelajarin coba...
  • Rafi Ramadhan SEba
    Student • Product Management • Online
    Mar 09, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Best value for money course

    overall the course is good, the instructor were really clear and all the individual task is useful to understand it. In addition to that, there is the regular mentoring session with Kak Denny to help give feedback.
  • Khamarudin
    Graduate • Data Analysis • Online
    Mar 09, 2023
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    Myskill,Salah satu Online Course yang terbaik

    Myskill merupakan salah satu online course yang terbaik. Myskill menyajikan pelatihan dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau, instruktur yang berpengalaman dan disajikan dengan User Interface website yang sangat baik sehingga memberikan User Experience yang baik.
  • Damarjati Sinatrio
    Fresh Graduate • Graduate • Product Management • Online
    Mar 07, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Worth untuk pemula

    Product Management Bootcamp batch 6. Materi dan proses pembelajarannya mudah dipahami untuk pemula, ada tugas di setiap sesi kelas dan ada kesempatan di-review langsung sama mentor kalo tugasnya selesai di kelas, pertanyaan di sesi tanya jawab juga dijawab dengan kondisi sebenarnya oleh tutor.
  • Tika
    Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
    Feb 04, 2023
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    Digital Marketing Bootcamp

    Joining Digital Marketing Bootcamp from Myskill help me to understand the basic knowledge we should know as digital marketers. Now,  I work in another field but the knowledge is still useful to me. Providing affordable courses which open opportunities for all to learn are one of myskill value that I respect a lot. 
  • Amira Putri
    Graduate • Online
    Jan 31, 2023
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    Job Assistance

    Interesting, engaging, informative

    Great course and informative, also helpful for those who are looking for information about scholarships and wanting to get new skills to elevate their career. I recommended this to my friends. I hope MySkill will also get new students in the future.
    Keep up the good work!
  • Vivi
    Graduate • Product Management • Online
    Jan 31, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Good Courses

    I joined some courses from MySkill (both bootcamp and eLearning) and it's very helpful to understand the materials. MySkill offers good programs with good tutors. The best from MySkill is the price of their program, even it's cheap but the quality is good. Please keep that quality and hopefully it can be better and better. Thank you MySkill. 
  • Syifaandhini
    Graduate • Online
    Jan 31, 2023
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    Myskill Upskill

    training in myskills is very useful, especially for me as a fresh graduate who is currently a job seeker. my skill provides free training and of course provides very high quality material, for example in this LPDP session. the speakers provided by myskill are very great and professional in their fields. I never hesitated to follow Pela
  • Bintang Bramastya
    PM • Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 16, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    The next level

    The best, mudah dimengerti untuk career shifter/first jobber. Mulai dari fundamental, contoh sampai ke praktik langsung. Nggak pernah ragu buat rekomen ke orang lain untuk join & beberapa yang aku rekomen, udah dapat pekerjaan setelah ikut bootcamp.
  • Syauqi Wafi Yulianto
    Student • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 16, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Review Bootcamp MySkill

    Untuk temen-temen yang masih baru belajar di dunia Digital Marketing dari dasar dengan harga yang terjangkau, MySkill adalah solusi yang sangat tepat. Mentor dan Pemateri nya pun gak kaleng-kaleng. Recommended pokoknya. Kereen MySkill, keren mas Angga dan team!
  • Didik Ariyadi Wibowo
    Digital Marketing Manager • Student • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


    sangat keren sekali dan banyak sekali insight yang kamu dapatkan mengenai digital marketing, tidak hanya itu saja kamu akan belajar memecahkan masalah dan belajar case studi secara langsung bersama dengan mentor2 yang berpengalaman. pokoknya keren banget!!!!!!

MySkill Alumni Outcomes

Recent MySkill News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated December 04, 2024
Course Report · 2022: The Year in Review for Coding Bootcamp News As we wrap up 2022, we’re reporting on the biggest coding bootcamp news about fundraises and new campuses that we saw in December. A new study released this month detailed how to increase bootcamp graduate outcomes in today’s job market. A tech-recruiter-turned-software-engineer weighs in on why employers need to update th...

MySkill Alumni Reviews Summary

Based on 200+ MySkill alumni reviews on Course Report, MySkill is praised for its variety of online, part-time bootcamps, including data science, product management, UI/UX design, and digital marketing. Alumni commend the well-structured curriculum, expert instructors, and the practical, project-based approach. A student commented, "The learning experience is extremely beneficial, especially for those venturing into UI/UX design." However, reviews also suggest that the bootcamps are quite new and may lack the depth of longer-established programs.
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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent MySkill News

How much does MySkill cost?

MySkill costs around Rp550,000. On the lower end, some MySkill courses like UI/UX Research and Design cost Rp350,000.

What courses does MySkill teach?

MySkill offers courses like Data Analysis, Digital Marketing, Product Management, UI/UX Research and Design.

Where does MySkill have campuses?

MySkill teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is MySkill worth it?

MySkill hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 221 MySkill alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed MySkill on Course Report - you should start there!

Is MySkill legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 221 MySkill alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed MySkill and rate their overall experience a 4.99 out of 5.

Does MySkill offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like MySkill offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read MySkill reviews?

You can read 221 reviews of MySkill on Course Report! MySkill alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed MySkill and rate their overall experience a 4.99 out of 5.

Is MySkill accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. MySkill doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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