Dev Bootcamp is closed

This school is now closed. Although Dev Bootcamp is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and Dev Bootcamp alumni reviews on the school page.


Dev Bootcamp

Average Rating4.33
153 Reviews
1 Course

As of July 17, 2017, Dev Bootcamp is no longer accepting applications. Founded in 2012, Dev Bootcamp is a short-term, immersive 18-week software development program (9 weeks part-time remote, 9 weeks onsite immersive, with career prep integrated throughout). Dev Bootcamp’s mission is to transform lives by teaching people of all backgrounds the technical, cognitive, and interpersonal skills used in software development through a responsive instructional model.

Graduates of the program are agile in Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and database systems such as SQL and PostgreSQL. Students also learn how to approach challenges like developers, how to optimize their learning, and then apply those techniques to pick up new skills or languages required in the field. The Dev Bootcamp curriculum is informed by employers and students with the aim of preparing graduates for the current job market.

Graduates work for a range of companies from startups, to mid-size and Fortune 500 companies in industries including tech, fashion, finance, education, travel, and media. Dev Bootcamp currently has six campuses operating in San Francisco, Chicago, New York, San Diego, Seattle, and Austin.

153 Dev Bootcamp Reviews

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  • Diana Marquez
    Diana Marquez
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Web Development • San Francisco
    Feb 02, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    DevBootcamp - Valuable education, experience, and network

    I am a huge proponent of people attending DevBootcamp since graduating from the program, I've encouraged many acquaintances to apply for the program. 

    - You learn so much, so quickly - The program is broken down into trimester-like sections. Each "trimester" you learn a new language and different programming components. At the end of each "trimester", you build a project with a team. 
    - You get real experience of what being developer is - On a day-to-day basis, w...

  • Jeff
    Graduate • Web Development • Seattle
    Jan 26, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Dev Bootcamp challenged me and helped me land my first job as a Software Engineer.

    As someone with a liberal arts degree and some self-taught coding experience from free online tutorials, Dev Bootcamp helped shape me into a well-rounded engineer equipped with the technical and interpersonal skills necessary to succeed in the workplace.

    So what is it like being a student in Dev Bootcamp? Dev Bootcamp is a grind. It’s a structured, fast-paced program that challenges you to learn faster than you’ve ever learned before. The curriculum...

  • Will - Former Shovel Master
    Will - Former Shovel Master
    Junior Software Developer • Graduate • Web Development • Chicago
    Jan 25, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Experience if you come to work

    Overall: Good pace and speed for me, a total beginner.  6 1/2 months after the program start date and I totally changed my career from a non-tech background to a full-time junior developer.

    Curriculum: Ruby and JavaScript. The whole time on campus, focus on how you are learning the language rather than just memorizing methods and syntax.  The ability to learn quickly, the "how to learn", is how to sell yourself to job opportunities.

    Teachers have a lot on their plate. E...

  • Lina
    Graduate • Web Development • Seattle
    Jan 10, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Seattle campus is great!

    I had a great experience at DBC Seattle and would recommend it to anyone who is motivated to learn and isn't afraid of hard work. The instructor-to-student ratio is very high, and they are able to offer individual attention when needed. The instructors are very knowledgeable and will help point you in the right direction whenever you have problems. The course material is thorough and well thought out.

    This is definitely a challenging course, and you really need to put in...

  • Lauren Markzon
    Lauren Markzon
    Software Application Developer • Graduate • Web Development • Chicago
    Jan 04, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great experience if you commit ;)

    One of the main reasons I chose DBC over other bootcamps is their emphasis on engineering empathy and social engineering. They realize the value of their graduates having strong communication and pairing skills, in addition to strong technical skills. They also help students deal with emotional and social issues many bootcamp students face, like imposter syndrome and being a woman in a male-dominated industry. 

    Another thing I love about DBC is t...

  • Armon Arcuri
    Armon Arcuri
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Web Development • San Francisco
    Jan 02, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great People, Great Culture, Unprecedented opportunity

    Dev Bootcamp gives you the opportunity to really bond with a cohort of really interesting and talented people. I'm so happy to have met them and worked together with them.

    The bootcamp really does a great job of scheduling your day and offering advice, support, and life hacks to get the most out of your time. When you leave, you'll feel as if your whole life you've been learning at such a slow pace compared to with what you accomplished in 9-15 weeks (and I've been to grad profes...

  • Joel Garrett
    Joel Garrett
    Web Developer • Graduate • Web Development • Chicago
    Dec 31, 2016
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Best Decision you'll make!

    Choosing to enroll in Dev Bootcamp was one of the best career decisions I’ve ever made. Do any of these thoughts hit home?


    -I’m so unhappy at my job.

    -I feel no drive or motivation to go into work.

    -I want a career where I can problem solve and be challenged every day.

    -I want to feel like what I’m doing matters and im respected for the work I do.

    -I’m trying to make ends meet for my family but I can’t see that happening at my c...

  • David
    Junior Application Developer • Graduate • Web Development • Chicago
    Dec 30, 2016
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Well Worth It


    • Teachers were very helpful on campus.  Many worked in the industry and were able to answer some questions that go beyond the class.  
    • Really felt like I had the basic skills to achieve as a junior developer.
    • Class material didn't hold your hand.  The way the classes are structured, you have to really push yourself in order to pass, which lead to a better understanding.
    • The career team does a good job in keeping contac...
  • Gabrielle Gustilo
    Gabrielle Gustilo
    Associate Software Engineer • Graduate • Web Development • Chicago
    Dec 29, 2016
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Software Engineer

    Attending Dev Bootcamp (DBC) was possibly the best decision I've made in my life.  It catapulted me from a lack luster job, in an industry I wasn't passionate about, into a career as a Software Engineer at a company where I grow my skills every day.  The nice bump in salary was pretty cool too.  I'm finally proud of what I do, and I enjoy the day-to-day work flow.

    I will say - it's not for everyone.  I had spent maybe 2 years on and off coding and doing big platform (Wordpress, S...

  • Nathan
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Web Development • Chicago
    Dec 27, 2016
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


    Having attended a couple of traditional, well-respected universities, I was skeptical of the bootcamp format. I wondered if it was just a money making ploy or if I could actually get the skills required to make a successful career change. Simply put, attending Dev Bootcamp (DBC) was not only the best life decision I've ever made, but it was also the most progressive, dynamic and responsive program I've ever experienced.

    DBC offers a multi-phase course setup that uses every minute...

  • Adam Baxter
    Adam Baxter
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Web Development • Chicago
    Dec 23, 2016
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Amazing time in my life

    I absolutely loved my time at DBC Chicago and honestly felt a little sad when moving on to Phase 3 knowing that I only had a few weeks left. I'll try to highlight why I liked it so much, how I have benefitted, any recommendations for the program, what to expect overall, and address some of the criticisms from other posters.   What really defined the experience for me was the quality of people I had the chance to interact with every day. It seems like ...
  • Guil Sa
    Guil Sa
    Graduate • Web Development • San Francisco
    Dec 23, 2016
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Got me my dream job

    Because of Dev Bootcamp and their Employ network my dream job came true. I work as a front-end developer for Oracle. My wife is a QA engineer and wants to be a developer, she's doing DBC as well. I won't lie, Dev Bootcamp was a blast and I'd do it again, but the onus is totally on you to stay diciplined once the program is complete. They provide a wonderful support system but finding free projects to work on, going to meetups, and practicing on your own so that you build a kick ass portfol...


Dev Bootcamp Alumni Outcomes

Recent Dev Bootcamp News

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Imogen Crispe
Updated December 28, 2017
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Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated September 28, 2017
Need a rundown of everything that happened in the coding bootcamp industry this September? You’re in luck! We’ve collected all the most important news in this blog post and podcast. This month, we kept up with the status of the bootcamp industry, learned about how bootcamps are thriving in smaller markets, and explored different ways to pay for bootcamp. Plus, we added 7 new schools from ar...
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Imogen Crispe
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Imogen Crispe
Updated August 01, 2017
Need a summary of news about coding bootcamps from July 2017? Course Report has just what you need! We’ve put together the most important news and developments in this blog post and podcast. In July, we read about the closure of two major coding bootcamps, we dived into a number of new industry reports, we heard some student success stories, we read about new investments in bootcamps, and w...
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Imogen Crispe
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Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
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Liz Eggleston
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Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated July 21, 2017
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Dev Bootcamp Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill

How much does Dev Bootcamp cost?

Dev Bootcamp costs around $12,700.

What courses does Dev Bootcamp teach?

Dev Bootcamp offers courses like Web Development.

Where does Dev Bootcamp have campuses?

Dev Bootcamp has in-person campuses in Austin, Chicago, New York City, San Diego, San Francisco, and Seattle.

Is Dev Bootcamp worth it?

Dev Bootcamp hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 153 Dev Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Dev Bootcamp on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Dev Bootcamp legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 153 Dev Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Dev Bootcamp and rate their overall experience a 4.33 out of 5.

Does Dev Bootcamp offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Dev Bootcamp offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Dev Bootcamp reviews?

You can read 153 reviews of Dev Bootcamp on Course Report! Dev Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Dev Bootcamp and rate their overall experience a 4.33 out of 5.

Is Dev Bootcamp accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Dev Bootcamp doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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