Columbia Engineering Boot Camps is closed
This school is now closed. Although Columbia Engineering Boot Camps is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and Columbia Engineering Boot Camps alumni reviews on the school page.
Columbia Engineering Boot Camps offer 12-week, full-time and 24-week, part-time courses in web development, and 24-week, part-time data analytics, cybersecurity, and UX/UI courses, and an 18-week, part-time digital marketing course. The full stack curriculum includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Express.js, Node.js, databases, MongoDB, MySQL, and Git.
The data curriculum includes programming in Excel, Python, R programming, JavaScript charting, HTML/CSS, API interactions, SQL, Tableau, fundamental statistics, machine learning, and more. Enjoy close collaboration with other professionals while receiving hands-on experience.
The cybersecurity curriculum offers hands-on training in networking, systems, web technologies, databases, and defensive and offensive cybersecurity.
The digital marketing curriculum covers highly relevant skills, training students in marketing strategy fundamentals, optimizing campaigns and websites, digital advertising and automation strategy, and more. Students will get hands-on experience with tools such as Google Analytics, Facebook Ads Manager, and Wordpress.
The UX/UI course provides hands-on training in user-centric design research, design thinking, visual prototyping and wireframing, interface design, storyboarding, visual design theory, web prototyping with HTML5 and CSS, interaction design with JavaScript and jQuery, and more.
Applicants do not need prior experience to enroll, but once admitted, all learners will complete a pre-course tutorial. Columbia Engineering Boot Camps are designed for working professionals and learners who are actively pursuing a career change or advancement or looking to gain a new skill set.
Learners will benefit from a wide range of career services to be positioned for success through course completion and beyond. Services include portfolio reviews, resume and social media profile support, high-impact career events, workshops, mock interviews, and one-on-one career coaching. Successful learners will receive an Award of Completion from Columbia Engineering and will have a portfolio of projects or a variety of training applicable to professional certifications to demonstrate their mastery of the topics covered throughout their boot camp.
Columbia Engineering Boot Camps are offered in collaboration with edX.
Before signing up for the course, I have visited many boot camps and workshops in the NYC Greater Area. By far, this was the best one. To start with, many people who are interested in learning any Computer Science don't even know where to start and what they want to do (Front-end, Back-end, Data-Analysis, Data-Science, etc.). This program exposes you to all these paths; you'll be learning everything from VBA Scripting to Data Bases to Machine Learning. The instructors and TAs are also grea...
Before signing up for the course, I have visited many boot camps and workshops in the NYC Greater Area. By far, this was the best one. To start with, many people who are interested in learning any Computer Science don't even know where to start and what they want to do (Front-end, Back-end, Data-Analysis, Data-Science, etc.). This program exposes you to all these paths; you'll be learning everything from VBA Scripting to Data Bases to Machine Learning. The instructors and TAs are also great and helpful.
Also, it's a part-time program that lasts for six months (most of the Bootcamps are intensive 3-month programs) that are 9-6. With this Bootcamp, you don't have to sacrifice your job
However, I would highly encourage all future students to be prepared to invest many hours for them to succeed. This course covers almost, and you do need to invest much time on your own to learn more about each topic.
Lastly, they offer job assistance and they dedicate a careet coach that works with each student separtely and guide you through the process of finding a job in the field.
Boot Camp Team of Columbia Engineering Boot Camps
Community Team
Jul 10, 2019
I had a great seven-month web development coding experience, before starting the program I had basic knowledge of designing the front-end. Now after completing the program, I gained new skills and knowledge in developing the back-end of a site. I had an awesome instructor who came in the second half of the program and taught us a lot which made me engage in learning more in class than before. By the end of the program, I was able to develop a site for tourists who visit New York City usin...
I had a great seven-month web development coding experience, before starting the program I had basic knowledge of designing the front-end. Now after completing the program, I gained new skills and knowledge in developing the back-end of a site. I had an awesome instructor who came in the second half of the program and taught us a lot which made me engage in learning more in class than before. By the end of the program, I was able to develop a site for tourists who visit New York City using react, mongoose, MongoDB, Ajax, Node.js, along with the essential programming languages. When It came time to present, I received mostly positive reaction from the class, the instructor and even to the visitors on demo day. After completing the program, receiving my certificate and presenting I feel ready and confident to start working as a developer and take on more challenging projects.
Thank you to the entire Columbia Bootcamp community.
Boot Camp Team of Columbia Engineering Boot Camps
Community Team
Apr 04, 2019
I learned more in 8 months working with the men and woman at this bootcamp then I have doing anything else.
Boot Camp Team of Columbia Engineering Boot Camps
Community Team
Feb 22, 2019
Excellent instruction and wonderful networking opportunity. It was so great to work with such a variety of people from diverse backgrounds. The coursework got right to the essentials, but challenged us to grow and develop our skills. I recommend it to anyone interested to learn coding and/or seeking work in the field.
Boot Camp Team of Columbia Engineering Boot Camps
Community Team
Feb 22, 2019
I found this course to be incredibly well run. It was great having the opportunity to connect with the teachers and students in person and the staff was well informed about the material we were learning. I highly recommend taking this bootcamp.
Boot Camp Team of Columbia Engineering Boot Camps
Community Team
Feb 22, 2019
I started this Boot Camp with no experience of HTML, CSS or any other coding language. From the beginning the instructors were helpful in making sure you were up to speed with the class and the material being teached. They all dominated the material courses really well and made sure you'd understand the process to figure out the best solutions and which direction to take to make sure your code works. And if it didn't, they also take time to explain to you where you got it wrong.
I started this Boot Camp with no experience of HTML, CSS or any other coding language. From the beginning the instructors were helpful in making sure you were up to speed with the class and the material being teached. They all dominated the material courses really well and made sure you'd understand the process to figure out the best solutions and which direction to take to make sure your code works. And if it didn't, they also take time to explain to you where you got it wrong.
The curriculum is very well designed, the pace I consider it to be fast, however, given that every subject is build upon the previews one, its great to see how each coding language informs the next one, and it also helps you figure out what makes an actual website or application work, and all the elements that are involved.
By the end of it, the amount of information, resources and skills that we learned, were really impressive, and given all the course material and the help by the instructors, I feel that I learned somethng that would've take me a lot more time to understand in just 6 months. The span of the course subjects really reflects that.
Its great coding bootcamp and I'm glad I took the chance to learn coding here.
Boot Camp Team of Columbia Engineering Boot Camps
Community Team
Feb 22, 2019
This course has been a total eye opener for me!
I have learned more here than I ever could have learned on my own. The way that the instructors care about your education is phenomenal. They take the time to make sure to answer any uncertainties that you may have and do not hesitate to reach out and make sure that you are comfortable with the material. It is a boot camp, so be ready to take on new information and projects with an allotted amount of time. The experience has been one...
This course has been a total eye opener for me!
I have learned more here than I ever could have learned on my own. The way that the instructors care about your education is phenomenal. They take the time to make sure to answer any uncertainties that you may have and do not hesitate to reach out and make sure that you are comfortable with the material. It is a boot camp, so be ready to take on new information and projects with an allotted amount of time. The experience has been one that I am happy to be a part of and completely recommend the program for anyone who is interested in embarking on a new journey into Web Development.
Boot Camp Team of Columbia Engineering Boot Camps
Community Team
Oct 09, 2018
Boot Camp Team of Columbia Engineering Boot Camps
Community Team
Dec 19, 2022
Boot Camp Team of Columbia Engineering Boot Camps
Community Team
Jan 14, 2022
Boot Camp Team of Columbia Engineering Boot Camps
Community Team
Sep 16, 2020
How much does Columbia Engineering Boot Camps cost?
Columbia Engineering Boot Camps costs around $15,495. On the lower end, some Columbia Engineering Boot Camps courses like Digital Marketing - Part-Time cost $10,745.
What courses does Columbia Engineering Boot Camps teach?
Columbia Engineering Boot Camps offers courses like AI Boot Camp - Part-Time, Cybersecurity - Part-Time, Data Analytics - Part-Time, Digital Marketing - Part-Time and 3 more.
Where does Columbia Engineering Boot Camps have campuses?
Columbia Engineering Boot Camps has an in-person campus in New York City.
Is Columbia Engineering Boot Camps worth it?
Columbia Engineering Boot Camps hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 75 Columbia Engineering Boot Camps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Columbia Engineering Boot Camps on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Columbia Engineering Boot Camps legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 75 Columbia Engineering Boot Camps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Columbia Engineering Boot Camps and rate their overall experience a 4.72 out of 5.
Does Columbia Engineering Boot Camps offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like Columbia Engineering Boot Camps offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read Columbia Engineering Boot Camps reviews?
You can read 75 reviews of Columbia Engineering Boot Camps on Course Report! Columbia Engineering Boot Camps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Columbia Engineering Boot Camps and rate their overall experience a 4.72 out of 5.
Is Columbia Engineering Boot Camps accredited?
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