
Blaizing Academy

Average Rating4.71
147 Reviews
0 Courses

Blaizing Academy is a non-profit technical education provider offering artificial intelligence courses, such as the AI Protégé Apprenticeship Program, both online and in-person in Indianapolis. Blaizing Academy's mission is to make artificial intelligence accessible to everyone, and the courses are designed to drive both professional and personal development. AI workshops on prompt engineering are also available. 

Anyone is welcome to apply to Blaizing Academy. 

Blaizing Academy was formerly known as the coding bootcamp, Eleven Fifty Academy.

147 Blaizing Academy Reviews

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  • Levi Emanuel VanWinkle
    Levi Emanuel VanWinkle
    Aug 26, 2015
    Overall Experience
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    Intro to iOS (course)


    Course: Intro to iOS- Crash course-style learning, good for introducing a person to a lot of information at once in a short period of time. Very knowledged/skilled instructors that teach practice instead of just theory in a field-submersive environment, where the student is always in the code doing it themselves. Instructors not only teach, but work it in their career and have years (some with decades) of experience in programming and the business of it.


    John Qualls of Blaizing Academy


    Apr 20, 2017

    Dear Reviewer,

    Thank you for your kind words. We've come a long way since your visit. Hope to see you in new classes soon! (or volunteer in the community to give back!)
  • Elyse Swoverland
    Elyse Swoverland
    Apprentice Android & iOS Developer • Graduate • iOS 201 • Indianapolis
    Aug 18, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    An Incredible Immersive Experience

    I had almost no coding experience when I took the Intro to iOS class at Eleven Fifty. They made programming a fun, easy-to-understand experience. I learned so much through the immersive experience that I was able to start a career in programming with an incredibly solid foundation. I would recommend that anyone interested in coding take a class at Eleven Fifty, you won't regret it.


    John Qualls of Blaizing Academy


    Apr 20, 2017

    Wow. Sounds like you got a lot packed in during your visit. 

    Love to see you again (or hear about you giving back through teaching others)
  • Randy Oest
    Randy Oest
    Manager of Digital Design • Student • iOS 201 • Indianapolis
    Jun 09, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Learning iOS Development with Eleven Fifty

    When Eleven Fifty says "In just seven days, we teach you new real-world skills that you can build upon immediately", they mean it!

    I had never attended a bootcamp before and I wasn't sure what to expect of that learning format. I was wondering if the long days were going to be too long. As it turns out, I was excited about what I was learning the whole time! Every hour I was learning something new, adding it to what we were working on, and watching the actual a...


    John Qualls of Blaizing Academy


    Apr 20, 2017

    Thanks for the kind words. While note easy, the crash 5-day classes go through a lot of material quickly. We had to pull back to 5 days because it was killing the instructors and many didn't like giving up their weekends for work-related training. 
  • Greg
    Digital Marketing • Student • JavaScript 201 • Indianapolis
    Jun 07, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Javascript Beginner to Intermediate

    The immersion method of teaching at Eleven Fifty was new to me but I felt that it was effective.  Seeing real cod being created with explanation as to why it is being created helped a ton.  The instructors were very patient and gave understandable explanations to how and why something works.  Having an open syllabus was nice in case we had to take a step back.  I walked away with a solid understanding of java script and reference to look at while I create my next J...


    John Qualls of Blaizing Academy


    Apr 20, 2017

    Love to hear you enjoyed the course. Hope to hear more about your success!
  • Michelle
    Technology Analyst • Graduate • iOS 201 • Indianapolis
    Jun 04, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Ready, Set, Code!

    Eleven Fifty is the school for you if you are ready to dive right in to a new language. I took their 7-day immersive iOS course and it is THE definition of a crash course. Each moment was spent learning and developing with not a second wasted, except for the delicious meals! 

    The days were long but you are most definitely getting what you pay for. Terrance was my instructor and I would not change one thing about his style of teaching. I am a "doer" a...


    John Qualls of Blaizing Academy


    Apr 20, 2017

    Hey, thanks a lot for the review. We love 'Doer's'. If you have a moment, send me your name and email and I'll send you the official 'Do'er' Manefesto poster. 

    A must for all Masters of Do.
  • Erik
    Manager, Programming • Indianapolis
    Mar 30, 2015
    Overall Experience
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    Luxury Learning

    The Java for Web was a great course in a great environment. You really do get to learn in an environment where they care about you and make you feel welcome. They are there to help you learn and make sure you are on track for knowing what is important. This class focused in on basic understand of Java the first two days, then you went all into learning Spring for Java the rest of the week. The class is more hands on then lecture which was great for us. The instructor was always on hand to ...


    John Qualls of Blaizing Academy


    Apr 20, 2017

    Glad you enjoyed the course! Hope to see you again!
  • Marek Wojciech Ługowski (Lugowski)
    Marek Wojciech Ługowski (Lugowski)
    Insurance agent/Literary editor/Programmer/Computer scientist • Graduate • iOS 201 • Indianapolis
    Mar 17, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Life-changing experience

    From what I've read, developer bootcamps often run for weeks and cost appropriately escalated sums of money. I say that taking a week-long course in-residence at Eleven Fifty Academy in the Indianapolis area is the sweet-spot of boot-camping. I don't think I would have opted, at this point in my life, for weeks of do-nothing-else intensity at a huge money outlay. Having gone through the Intro to iOS Development in Swift programming language, naturally using Apple's Xcode integr...


    John Qualls of Blaizing Academy


    Apr 20, 2017

    Dear reviewer,

    Thank you for your kind words. 

    It is reviews like this told us to ensure to keep the 1-week immersive programs in place even though we now offer 3, 5, 4 and 12-week immersive programs. 

    We continue to improve programs and hope to see you again.

  • Audrey Frank
    Audrey Frank
    Media Developer • Intro to Coding (Weekends) • Indianapolis
    Mar 04, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Like Nothing Else

    Eleven Fifty is like no other school out there. I took the 2-day Into to Computer Programming Course, and what a great experience. Coming in, I was nervous because I had no knowledge of coding whatsoever. But the instructor started with the absolute basics and worked up to higher concepts. The weekend class just introduces you to the bare bones of coding (specifically javascript), but it made me want to come back for more.

    What's more, everybody who works there makes it their...


    John Qualls of Blaizing Academy


    Apr 20, 2017

    Glad you enjoyed the course. Come back and see us! (or take the time to teach someone else)
  • Trevor Steele
    Trevor Steele
    Student • Indianapolis
    Jan 29, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Course, Great Investment!

    I took the weekend Intro to Computer Programming course at Eleven Fifty and couldn't be happier! The instruction was phenomenal and very hands on, I was typing my own code and editing images and actually understanding what was being taught. I felt comfortable asking questions at times when I didn't fully grasp certain concepts, but the course itself moved at pace that kept me from feeling like I was drowning.

    I couldn't be happier with Eleven Fifty and the investment ...


    John Qualls of Blaizing Academy


    Apr 20, 2017

    You work hard for your money. Glad the experience was worth it.
  • Anonymous
    iOS 201 • Indianapolis
    Jan 16, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great place to learn iOS

    I enrolled at Eleven Fifty because they offered a bootcamp that was 7 days versus the typical 6-8 week course.  Being that it was to take place at the home of Tech Entrepreneur Scott Jones, I figured it had to be worthwhile.  Well, it was.  I went from not knowing ANYTHING about iOS development to now having the ability to understand the basics of app development.  There is still more to learn after this course and will definitely be back to take the advanced course. &n...


    John Qualls of Blaizing Academy


    Apr 20, 2017

    Thanks for the kind words. While we now offer 3,5,4 and 12-week immersive courses, we still offer these intense 5-day courses. (sorry, we had to drop the 7-day course, it was smok'in the instructors)  Happy instructors, happy students. 
  • Anonymous
    Student • iOS 201 • Indianapolis
    Jan 15, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Best Coding School Out There!

    I took this course a week ago, and I am now proficient at building apps. They definitely give you the building blocks to go out and build your own app once the course is over. Even though the course runs 12 hours a day, you do not get burnt out because they have well-placed breaks and the material is extremely interesting. We built a note app, a Snapchat copycat app, and a Tindr copycat app. Anybody of any age who wants to learn how to build apps should definitely attend this school. ...


    John Qualls of Blaizing Academy


    Apr 20, 2017

    Thanks for the kinds words. We keep improving and its feedback like this that keeps up going!
  • Zachary Wells
    Graduate • Cybersecurity 13-Week Bootcamp • Online
    Mar 02, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Learning Experience - CyberSecurity

    First things first, the admissions process was hectic and clumsy. High pressure sales pitches. Little to no communication if you have questions about the program or financing. The instructors were great. The curriculum was great. The career services department literally did not exist. The company was going through some sort of transition (they laid off something like 60% of their workforce). Even after they hired someone for career services (about 3 weeks before I graduated, I had little...

Blaizing Academy Alumni Reviews Summary

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Recent Blaizing Academy News

How much does Blaizing Academy cost?

The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but Blaizing Academy does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!

What courses does Blaizing Academy teach?

Blaizing Academy offers courses like .

Where does Blaizing Academy have campuses?

Blaizing Academy has in-person campuses in Indianapolis. Blaizing Academy also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is Blaizing Academy worth it?

The data says yes! In 2018, Blaizing Academy reported a 100% graduation rate, a median salary of $51,750, and 81% of Blaizing Academy alumni are employed. Blaizing Academy hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 147 Blaizing Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Blaizing Academy on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Blaizing Academy legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 147 Blaizing Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Blaizing Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.71 out of 5.

Does Blaizing Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Blaizing Academy offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Blaizing Academy reviews?

You can read 147 reviews of Blaizing Academy on Course Report! Blaizing Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Blaizing Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.71 out of 5.

Is Blaizing Academy accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Blaizing Academy doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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