Tips & Advice

All of the advice you need to choose the right career path, expert tips about the best programming languages, and guides for beginners to get started in tech.

  • Schools and universities may be scrambling to figure out remote learning, but coding bootcamps have essentially been preparing for this since 2013. Online coding bootcamps already use Zoom video, Slack, GitHub, and VS Code Live Share for pair programming, online lectures, and to connect mentors and instructors with students. Of course, you can learn to code online – but it doesn’t stop there!...
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  • Liz Eggleston
    Liz Eggleston
    Updated on September 30, 2024
    The spectrum of data science jobs is broad – everyone from governments to businesses to non-profit organizations are collecting data. But it takes Data Scientists, Data Analysts, and Data Engineers to turn that data into smart business decisions. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from interviewing so many
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  • Liz Eggleston
    Liz Eggleston
    Updated on January 29, 2020
    Codecademy and Treehouse are both on-demand coding classes that run on monthly subscriptions and are delivered entirely on an online platform. Both schools offer m...
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  • Liz Eggleston
    Liz Eggleston
    Updated on April 16, 2020
    Haythem Balti, the Director of Curriculum at Software Guild, says that his job as an educator is to “see the horizon of enterprise, to be aware of needs that are going to arise, and to introduce those concepts to students at the right time.”...
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  • Liz Eggleston
    Liz Eggleston
    Updated on April 16, 2020
    How does a website get its style? CSS, of course! But what exactly is CSS and how will you use it as a developer? Joseph Mecham, Devmountain’s Web Development Program Director, explains (in fun, beginner-friendly terms) what CSS is, the history...
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  •   When learning to code – or considering learning to code – it’s wise to look at software engineering job descriptions to see what type of jobs interest you, and the skills you need to acquire to qualify for those jobs. However, job descriptions can sometimes be scary. Even some entry-level developer posti...
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  • Liz Eggleston
    Liz Eggleston
    Updated on January 8, 2021
      In learning data science, you’ll soon discover that your skillset doesn’t end with Python –  there are a number of other tools you’ll need to grasp. One of those is Pandas, a Python library which facilitates data processing. We asked Joe Eddy, Senior Data Scientist at
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  •   In your research as a beginner coder, you will probably come across the term “object-oriented programming” to describe certain coding languages and approaches to coding. But what is object-oriented programming, and should beginners learn an object-oriented coding language? Will knowledge of object-oriented programming help you reach your goals of landing a job as a software engineer? We ...
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  • Liz Eggleston
    Liz Eggleston
    Updated on September 30, 2024
      Ruby vs Python vs JavaScript vs Java vs .NET – how do you choose your first programming language? Some experts will argue that fundamentals are more important than the language itself, and while we agree, you do need to choose a language in order to learn those fundamentals. We’re running through the pros ...
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  • Imogen Crispe
    Imogen Crispe
    Updated on September 17, 2021
    Understanding the difference between Product Design and UX Design can be challenging since many of the required skill sets can overlap. Terry Million, Design Product Manager at Thinkful, breaks down the two disciplines for us and the potential career opportunities for each. Learn which technical and soft skills are needed for UX vs...
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  • Imogen Crispe
    Imogen Crispe
    Updated on December 4, 2024
    Data scientists are more in-demand than ever, but how much does it cost to learn data science at a bootcamp? From students looking for free data bootcamps to those wondering if a $17,000 data course is worth it, we understand that cost is important to futur...
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  • Imogen Crispe
    Imogen Crispe
    Updated on October 17, 2019
    When it comes to data science programming languages, you have two options: Python and R. Both Python and R will help you analyze data to see valuable business insights, but which one should beginners learn first to maximize their chances of landing a job? We asked Galvanize Lead Data Science Instructor, Sean Reed, to explain the...
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  • Liz Eggleston
    Liz Eggleston
    Updated on July 11, 2019
    Internships at tech companies are different than your typical internship – don’t expect to be picking up coffee orders! We spoke to Rachel Bussert, Epicodus’ Director of Student Services who has been coordinating the internship program at Epicodus for over four years. Rachel tells us what she’s learned about finding internship opportunities, the val...
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  • Imogen Crispe
    Imogen Crispe
    Updated on June 20, 2019
    Maybe you’ve played AR games like Pokemon Go, or tried out a VR headset, but do you know what it takes to build AR and VR products? As AR and VR become more ubiquitous in gaming, education, and healthcare, the need for AR and VR engineers who can build these products is likely to increase. In this guide to AR and VR, Carrie Ybay, a Software Engineer for
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  • Imogen Crispe
    Imogen Crispe
    Updated on August 19, 2021
    After hiring six graduates from LearningFuze coding bootcamp in Irvine, California, BeSmartee co-founder Veronica Nguyen plans to hire more! Veronica tells us what she is looking for in new hires at the B2B FinTech company, how
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  • Liz Eggleston
    Liz Eggleston
    Updated on May 17, 2019
    Curious about landing data science interviews (and ultimately, a job) in Seattle? Today, we’re diving into the Seattle data science job market, the types of companies that are hiring, and advice about standing out in a crowded pool of applicants. Our panel will share advice from two different perspectives: Nathan Thompson is a graduate of
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  • Imogen Crispe
    Imogen Crispe
    Updated on January 8, 2021
      Data Scientists need a whole toolbox of skills to be able to analyze and manipulate data on the job. One of those skills is Natural Language Processing (NLP), which helps machines understand and classify human speech and writing. To learn more, we asked Data Scientist Lauren Washington, who also mentors Thinkful data science stu...
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  • Imogen Crispe
    Imogen Crispe
    Updated on April 4, 2019
      As an aspiring software engineer, you need to learn programming languages like JavaScript, Ruby, or Python. But what else can you learn to stand out from the crowd and land a job? That’s where computer science fundamentals like data structures come in. Fred Zirdung, who has taught data structur...
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  • Aaron Filous
    Aaron Filous
    Updated on February 3, 2020
    So you’ve heard companies talk about how important data is to their operations and revenue. Everyone from Fortune 500 companies to small startups seems to talk about being “data-driven” or using “big data.” But if you’re not planning to become a data scientist, do you really need to learn how to ...
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  • The Team at Suncoast Developers Guild
    The Team at Suncoast Developers Guild
    Updated on March 21, 2019
    There are numerous free ways to brand and market yourself as a web developer online. The more apparent platforms are Github, creating a portfolio and/or blog, and social media channels like LinkedIn. But with over 10 million web development members, Meetup can serve as an i...
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