Authors > Rachel Meltzer
Rachel Meltzer is the founder of MeltzerSeltzer, where she is the lead writer, podcast host, and freelance writing coach. She attended a front-end web development bootcamp in 2020. Rachel writes about coding, machine learning, data science, and changing careers for coding bootcamps and SaaS companies around the world. Rachel is always on an adventure from thruhiking the Appalachian Trail in 2018 to living in a van with her cat, Bonnie, in 2021.
Rachel has written for dozens of coding bootcamps and SaaS companies including Course Report, Coding Dojo, CareerFoundry, Lighthouse Labs, Grammarly, Loom, Webflow, SendView, Deepgram, UX Design Institute, Scrimba, and more.
C++ vs Java: A Guide for Beginners
New programmers who want to learn established, well-supported languages may be asking themselve...
A Helpful Guide for Beginners: Python vs C++
Python and C++ are both object-oriented programming languages, but the similarities end there! ...
What is Django?
Django is an open source web framework that is popular because of its security, scalability, ...
Ultimate Guide to Non-Profit Coding Bootcamps
While many coding bootcamps are for-profit educational institutions, there are a handful of non...
6 Fintech Companies That Hire Bootcampers
With almost all personal banking, lending, electronic payments, and trading done online these d...
8 Companies That Hire Digital Marketing Bootcampers
Before you dive into a digital marketing bootcamp, you might be wondering, “Who hires digital m...
What is Data Science?
What is data science? Math or science? Data science is a multidisciplinary field that combine...
The Best Ruby on Rails Tutorials for Beginners (Top 11 List)
If you already know Ruby, you should be able to jump into the Ruby on Rails framework easily, r...
The Best React JS Tutorial for Beginners (Top 11 List)
React can be intimidating. With its jumbled syntax, JSX, opening a React file feels like you’re...
The Best Python Tutorial for Beginners (Top 10 List)
An immersive data science bootcamp is the best way to make a full career change, but Python tut...
Codecademy Versus Datacamp
Codecademy and Datacamp both offer on-demand data science classes that run on monthly subscript...
27 Coding Bootcamps for High School Students
While most immersive coding bootcamps are designed for adult career-changers, there’s a rising ...
4 Steps to Become a Remote Developer
Remote jobs are rapidly becoming more popular in nearly every industry, growing by over 173% ...
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