
Kickstart Coding

Average Rating5.0
9 Reviews
2 Courses

Kickstart Coding offers a part-time, online 4-month full-stack coding bootcamp. The curriculum consists of two sequential phases: Kickstart Backend (a rigorous Python class) and Kickstart Frontend (a crash course on modern JavaScript practices and React JS). Lessons consist of a varied mix of lectures, guided hands-on activities, and group project work. Kickstart Coding looks for serious learners who are passionate about learning in an inclusive and collaborative environment. No prior coding experience is necessary. 

The Kickstart Coding team has built a no-nonsense curriculum and is careful to exclude outdated information, and promotes trending technologies, good practices, and projects that challenge students. Instructors have decades of combined industry and teaching experience and have worked at companies like Google, Facebook, Salesforce, Microsoft, and more. For those seeking a career change, Kickstart Coding also provides extra time for coaching to help students become competitive candidates in the Bay Area tech industry.

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9 Kickstart Coding Reviews

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  • Phuong Anh Hoang
    Phuong Anh Hoang
    Junior Web Developer • Graduate • $4000 for 4 months part time - Full-Stack Coding • Oakland
    Verified by GitHub
    Oct 08, 2022
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    The best coding bootcamp I could have chosen!

    I found Kickstart Coding’s course content, instruction, and involvement in my learning process to be really amazing. They totally exceeded my expectations every step of the way!

    After graduating from college, I really felt lost and anxious about not being able to find a job. I was looking for a coding bootcamp to review the knowledge I picked up in college and improve my skills. Kickstart Coding looked like it had a solid curriculum at a reasonable price so I decided t...
  • Andrew
    Data Engineer • Graduate • $4000 for 4 months part time - Full-Stack Coding • Oakland
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Dec 02, 2019
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    Great curriculum and teachers!

    After spending years as a software project and product manager flirting with the idea of becoming a software engineer, I finally got up the courage to sign up for a coding bootcamp. I looked at many different options and chose Kickstart Coding because it provides excellent value and is staffed by people that are clearly passionate about teaching technology. I enjoyed the in-class lessons which are an engaging mix of lecture, live-coding walkthroughs, and activities. The homework assignment...

  • Shane LeBlanc
    Graduate • $4000 for 4 months part time - Full-Stack Coding • Oakland
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Sep 10, 2018
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    Couldn't be happier with my choice of school

    KickStart Coding's Full Stack program helped me level up from a curious novice to a confident, advanced level Developer. I am more ready than ever to apply to jobs, and with the project work completed during the program, I now have a portfolio to prove my skills. 

    Michael and Steve are super easy-going and helpful dudes, they focused on making this program as inclusive as possible (even offering laptops for those without one), and as such, they were ready and happy to answer any qu...

  • Joseph Diaz
    Joseph Diaz
    Web Developer • Student • $4000 for 4 months part time - Full-Stack Coding • Oakland
    Mar 07, 2023
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    Best Course I've Ever Taken!

    I recently completed Kickstart Coding’s 6-month coding bootcamp, and I can honestly say it was one of the most transformative experiences of my life. The instructors, especially Michael Bethencourt, were extremely knowledgeable and approachable, and they always made themselves available to answer any questions I had. The curriculum covered a wide range of topics, from front-end development to back-end engineering. The hands-on approach to learning was amazing, and I appreciated the oppor...
  • Patrick Ware
    Patrick Ware
    Graduate • $4000 for 4 months part time - Full-Stack Coding • Oakland
    Jul 06, 2020
    Overall Experience
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    The best coding bootcamp experience I could have hoped for

    Kickstart Coding was a truly an exceptional course. It is far more affordable than many other bootcamps, and the part-time schedule allowed me to continue working full time while enrolled. Classes were always engaging and hands-on, with numerous activities to reinforce previous material and apply new coding concepts. Weekly homeworks fit perfectly with the curriculum, and final group projects provided a great opportunity to create something exciting in a collaborative setting. While the ...
    Product Operations Analyst • Student • $4000 for 4 months part time - Full-Stack Coding • Oakland
    Mar 21, 2020
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    Great Option for Working Professional

    Kickstart Coding provided a great programming bootcamp experience and was a great option for me as the part-time course structure allowed me to continue with my full time job, while paying a fraction of the price of the other programming boot-camps in the area. 

    The classes were structured to be very hands on, with multiple instructors present every lecture to help as needed. All of the instructors were very knowledgeable and friendly. Class material was structured in a way that p...
  • Toti
    Sep 15, 2019
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    Most industry-attuned and most affordable boot camp in the Bay Area!

    When I moved back to San Francisco, I needed to update my technical skills to transition back into the tech industry. I researched several coding boot camps in the Bay Area and came across Kickstart Coding (KSC). Although Kickstart Coding did not have that many online reviews, I found out that Michael Bethencourt, KSC founder, is a former instructor of the coding boot camp program at UC Berkeley Extension prior to founding his own boot camp. I got interested and decided to attend one of th...

  • Errin M.
    Errin M.
    Junior Frontend Developer • Graduate • $4000 for 4 months part time - Full-Stack Coding • Oakland
    Feb 04, 2019
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    I went from zero tech experience to Junior Developer in 4 months.

    I come from a zero-tech background. I wanted to build an app. Michael said he could teach me that, so I signed up.

    I’m not going to lie. This bootcamp was hard. For a tech newbie with a full-time job and family, the time commitment is intense. I was often frustrated. I cried, a lot. I secretly thought that I shouldn’t have been admitted to the course.

    But I came out the other end as a web developer – with a new job. That hadn’t even been my goal, and you couldn’t find a...

  • Kasheena Walton
    Graduate • $4000 for 4 months part time - Full-Stack Coding • Oakland
    May 08, 2019
    Overall Experience
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    Awesome Bootcamp

    I knew absolutely nothing about engineering and I walked out 4 months later knowing the latest and greatest tools in web development.


Kickstart Coding Alumni Outcomes

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Kickstart Coding Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Kickstart Coding News

How much does Kickstart Coding cost?

Kickstart Coding costs around $2,499.

What courses does Kickstart Coding teach?

Kickstart Coding offers courses like $2499 6-Month Hybrid Full-Stack Web Development, $4000 for 4 months part time - Full-Stack Coding.

Where does Kickstart Coding have campuses?

Kickstart Coding has an in-person campus in Oakland.

Is Kickstart Coding worth it?

Kickstart Coding hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 9 Kickstart Coding alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Kickstart Coding on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Kickstart Coding legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 9 Kickstart Coding alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Kickstart Coding and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.

Does Kickstart Coding offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Kickstart Coding offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Kickstart Coding reviews?

You can read 9 reviews of Kickstart Coding on Course Report! Kickstart Coding alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Kickstart Coding and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.

Is Kickstart Coding accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Kickstart Coding doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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